Mundane Murmurs

Talk about the boring and ordinary world that is my life.

Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Messy me.

Why is it I can never eat a meal without spilling it down my shirt? OK, I’ll give you that it’s not every meal, but I would say it would be a fifty – fifty split, which would be a conservative estimate. It doesn’t matter where I am, I can’t say it only happens when I’m out as it happens at home too.

I think this is genetic, my mother does this all the time too, and maybe it’s not necessarily the spilling that is genetic but where it lands – right in the middle of ample bosom land, and this I am assured I do get from my mother.

Now I have a friend that is flat chested, if you cut off her head you wouldn’t be able to pick her as a girl, she has the spilling gene also, but all her spills land straight in her lap! Much, much easier to hide.

It has come to the point that I am consciously aware of it now and take extra care that it does not happen, but still the spills just keep coming.

My worst experience to date was a few months back when I went out to lunch with a friend, we had Chinese and – you guessed it – chop sticks. Now I am not an old hat to the chopstick phenomenon but I wouldn’t starve if they were the only form of eating tool. On this day I did not have one, but three separate spills. The front of my shirt was looking a little like the buffet table itself!

Once my hideous friend had stopped laughing, which took a while let me tell you, she told me she wanted to go to a nearby shop before we left to get something. I looked down at my shirt, she started to laugh AGAIN and said “too bad, come on…..” I love my friends.

Now luckily, all was not lost I had purchased something earlier and I used the bag as cover, you know where you cross your arms over your chest as you hold the bag close to you. This, I am sure looked ridiculous, but not as much as buffet shirt would have.

So I followed her around the shop in a childlike, “are you done yet?” fashion and finally she was.

We went home and I discarded said shirt to the washing pile and put on a fresh one in readiness for the next meal.

Maybe I should just get a bib and be done with it.


  • At 12:45 pm, Blogger Seeker said…

    You Rule!

    Thanks for the writing now keep it up. I have added you to my spot for the peeps who ride the short bus. There are only a select few that receive this honor so wear it well my dear!

  • At 1:42 pm, Blogger Nord said…

    Seek, (may I call you Seek?) You have made my day an I thank you. As for the story telling it like a tap has been turned on this stuff just keeps on coming. I am currently bathing in the love and, oh, and right back at you, (in a platonic, non sexual kinda way).

  • At 1:35 am, Blogger Seeker said…

    Yeah Seek is fine. No problemo. cheerio matey and all that Ozzie shite =)

  • At 1:02 pm, Blogger AGB 1 said…

    I find this post to be titillating.

  • At 1:32 pm, Blogger Nord said…

    Dastard, you are nasty!


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