Mundane Murmurs

Talk about the boring and ordinary world that is my life.

Sunday, July 25, 2004

Does anyone have a bug problem?

It's the weekend, I have to do a Palaeontology report - did I mention I was doing a 'Science' Degree. Anyhow, hope you are all having a great weekend and here's a funny I got on an email the other day...

Oh no, poor Spidey, I can see the headline now...."Spiderman 3 cancelled due to freak accident".... Posted by Hello

You know, it kinda makes you wonder why the Goblin or Dr Oct, didn't just whip out a can of Raid, but I guess that would make for a pretty short movie.


  • At 4:04 am, Blogger AGB 1 said…

    Huzzah! We are both doing science degrees!

  • At 4:05 am, Blogger AGB 1 said…

    Oh, and the spidey thing is very funny. Good luck with the report.

  • At 9:09 am, Blogger Nord said…

    Thanks Dast - It was only an introduction so it was pretty easy. I may have to email you for help. What are you specialising in? My degree is Marine Science and Management - so I hope to do Marine Biology once I have completed it. But doing the degree externally takes a bit of time.

  • At 11:55 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    You know, I've been seeing you comment on my man's blog, but hadn't taken the time to read yours yet. Hiya Nord! how are you? Hope all is well in your world, hon.

  • At 12:14 pm, Blogger Nord said…

    Hey there Annon, I guess you are the Seekers lady. I am very well and thankyou for taking the time, must have you hands full with that one!


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