Mundane Murmurs

Talk about the boring and ordinary world that is my life.

Friday, August 27, 2004

Foggy Day (and just one more photo) and some useless info.

The Dastard mentioned that Sydney was shown on the news (or something) the other day because it was all fogged up. I was actually there (did you see me waiving at the camera? No? Look harder if they show the footage again). Anyway I remember being ripped from my slumber after about 2 hours of it at 6.30am, to open the curtains and be accosted by said fog. It was a thick white sheet and you couldn’t see crap through it. This said it was gone within a few hours and all the photos I have in the previous post were taken that very day.

Oh, I mowed the lawn this afternoon after work, it would be more appropriate to say this evening, because it was on dusk when I started and kinda after and (a bit too) dark when I was finished. The reason for this, well it has been a (very) long time coming and today I was finally guilted into it by every other lawn in the street, neighbourhood, city even. I have been meaning to for a long time but every weekend I have better things to do, you know wash my hair, watch TV, lie in bed and read a book, you know, important stuff. But as I said today I caved. I am going away on the weekend (and possibly the following two after that) and I am pretty sure I don’t have a machete to cut my way to the front door through the lawn. Also I know it’s only a matter of time before the neighbourhood mafia comes out to kick my ass for not doing it. But it is now all done – I will get to see the fruits of my labour tomorrow morning – it looked ok in the dark all the large tufty bits are gone, but I couldn’t see the grass that well by the end. So, as I said tomorrow will tell, but to be honest I don’t have time to redo it anyway, so oh well...

Alright, it’s a bit of a mixed bag tonight, I usually stick with just one thing but here is the final thought of the day for you. Here is a photo I took on Wednesday, around 3pm. A dark night for the States I imagine as we seem to have taken the moon from you on this one occasion. I love this photo. Also taken at the Quay (but you can’t really tell).

The moon on a sunny day. Posted by Hello

I am going away for the weekend – have a great one all who read this and I will (I promise Regan) post again when I get home Sunday. I am going to see a friend I haven’t seen for 6 years so I should have something to talk about. She is one of my friends from the teen - early 20’s years and they know most of the drunken secrets of our youth, she might remind me of a few stories that I can share. Have a great weekend, if you can’t be good be good at it (oh and yes it is Friday night tonight Saturday tomorrow for all you, but it is Friday todayers).


  • At 11:55 pm, Blogger Traci Dolan said…

    Beautiful photos Nord, glad you're back!! Have fun with your friend this weekend... or is it already your weekend?? No.. ummmm, not yet.. its yes, 8 minutes before midnight... wOOt!!!

  • At 10:05 pm, Blogger Nord said…

    Thanks - yep it is nice to be home. As for the time I only changed the time settings yesterday and they now reflect Australian times. But it is now Sunday night and you have a whole Sunday ahead of you.


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