Mundane Murmurs

Talk about the boring and ordinary world that is my life.

Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Left to my own devises

So today my boss, and all the managers in the office (for that matter) went off to an agricultural fair. I had no interest in going (farm equipment ... pl-ease!!). But the word junket had been thrown around. I did however get the speech late yesterday afternoon that the only reason I wasn’t asked to come along is because they were conscious of the staff numbers going – whatever (did I mention farm equipment – YAWN).

So anyway, today I went into work, no managers or any kind of ‘boss’ if you will anywhere – I have the office to myself and it is bliss. I (foolishly) think that I am going to finally be able to do all the work that has been building up in my tray for weeks and then be able to come in to work with a clear conscious the following day (that would be tomorrow). But in actuality my day went a bit more like this.

I arrived at around 9am (no sense in rushing, who’s there to rag me for being late? No one - I usually start around 8.30am). I slowly get a cup of tea and sit at my desk, get out the laptop (they make us lock them away). And plug it in (it’s not that difficult it has a docking port (yes, I know, I know, just like the star ship Enterprise)). But I do (only very occasionally) have trouble matching up those little holes on the bottom of the PC so it’s plugged in right – but that’s a whole other story).

So by this time, it’s almost lunch time, well ok it was really only around 9.05, but I logged on, read all my emails (emailed back to people) did a quick (ok extended) blog run, then looked at the clock. So by now it was actually closer to 11am Umm… yeah… shit I should do some work then I guess. Who ever ticked the ‘can work without supervision’ box on my application for this job was sorely mistaken. Well that’s not entirely true, but you give me free reign on the internet and access to email and watch my productivity plummet (to below ground).

By then I had a huge guilt rush and hurriedly completed a few things, went through all my pending maters and then, oh no…lunch time. So off I go for, oh I don’t know an hour (or so) after all no one to keep track of me right? So I’m back at work still a little guilted by some stuff that has been in my tray since, when? OMG, the 12 July, ummm, yeah well I got rid of that pretty quick (how’d it get in there anyhow – nothing stays there for that long! Or so I thought). So anyhow I get to around 3pm and my brain has stopped working again. I am emailing to 3 separate friends so have to constantly reply to the 3 streams, you know you send an email, you receive and email from someone else, then you answer, then get another (it’s a vicious cycle) so I spent about half an hour doing this until guilt gave me another slight shake and I stopped responding to the emails.

Then another quick check in the blogging world to see if anyone had updated in the last hour or so. Guilt again… and so for the rest of the afternoon, I shuffled papers and procrastinated the day away.

The moral of this story, if you leave me unattended in the office for the day, take away all my Internet/email privileges and give me a shitload of work to do. It is apparent to me after todays venture that I am a slacker who needs no encouragement to behave like this. I should have gone on the junket I would have gotten more work done...


  • At 11:53 pm, Blogger Pup said…

    Ha, you've just described my whole last week. I was the only one in my group here (popular vacation time).

    Oh... good times. The guilt gets to you sometimes, but still good times. :)

  • At 7:32 am, Blogger Seeker said…

    so you're desk is a bit brothelesque then eh?

  • At 11:22 am, Blogger Seeker said…

    Ohh I just noticed that your use of the letter "S" is over used. A "C" is more appropriate for my American eyes.

  • At 12:20 am, Blogger Nord said…

    Pup – This is how I behave every time I am left alone in the office, my boss came in today and spent most of the day asking me what I did yesterday – I can’t really say ‘oh I blogged and sent emails all day’. So I skirted the issue and got out my pending matters and spouted off a few names. He was happy and left me in peace.

    Seek – No my desk is never a broth (Ok this is a total lie) and man I am going to send you a dictionary from here, you gotta learn the lingo (alright spelling) to read my stuff.

  • At 2:43 pm, Blogger evilsciencechick said…

    that's pretty much how i've spent the last week or so. painfully slow days in the lab. bleah!

  • At 12:31 am, Blogger Traci Dolan said…

    You just described my day... cheers Nord!!

  • At 12:35 am, Blogger Nord said…

    Regan – Yeah, I admit it’s not the most productive day, but it’s nice every now and again.

    Inanna – Not the best way to spend a day and I’m racked with guilt about it afterwards – oh well, what’s done is done.


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