Mundane Murmurs

Talk about the boring and ordinary world that is my life.

Friday, August 27, 2004

Neglect and a Junket (oh and some photos).

I love to write in my blog and it was never my intention to let it slip, but of late this is exactly what I have allowed to happen. Here is one very feeble excuse for you.

I had a training course in Sydney this last week. I left (with a majority of my office - not the furniture, the people who work there) on Sunday afternoon (by plane) and got back late last night (thank God the airline didn’t loose my bag this time though). This course was a little like every other I suppose (or maybe not). Our facilitator (or trainer if you will) had his first attempt (oh boy, do I use this word loosely) to teach us a new system for my company (by ‘my’ I don’t mean I own it (I wish I did), just that I work for them). So apart from me falling asleep throughout the actual training, it was quite a bit of fun. Corporate Cards beware, that’s all I can say. I drank to my hearts content, woke each morning with (very) minimal sleep and the reddest eyes you had ever seen, to once again sleep through out the training and then drink the night away (ok I wasn’t really that bad – but one of the other guys was!!). Anyway how cool would I be if I said, oh yes, I went out for dinner every night and then went back to the Motel around 10 and left the others to their drinking? Yeah, not really, (although this is closer to what actually happened). We got put up in a very nice, very expensive motel (I love the guise of a business trip) and all our meals and alcohol was provided (well by ‘provided’ I mean we chose where to eat and drink and the corporate cards were whipped out all over the place) and with the exception of buying some new clothes I did not spend a cent on my trip (of my money anyhow).

So this is why I haven’t been around (for the last week or so) I will post up some photos I took at the Quay to prove it (I know I don’t need to) but you can see the Bridge and the Opera House just for fun. (I have been fighting with blogger for the last hour or so trying to do this and one per post is the best I can manage – so I will put them up as multiple posts – I have posted the pics first so they are below this (as if you haven’t already noticed)).

Anyway I am also going away for the weekend to visit an old friend and I have plans for the following weekend and my mum was saying it’s about time I visited her too. Man, I have successfully been a hermit for the last few years and I only now have started to radiate friendship vibes that make everyone want to get back in touch with me and want to do stuff, I don’t know. As they say, when it rains it pours.

The Sydney Opera House (and a little red boat). Posted by Hello


  • At 12:58 am, Blogger Seeker said…

    I would say get an umbrella.

  • At 9:13 am, Blogger AGB 1 said…

    No need to explain your absence, abscess, absinthe, or abbess my little Nordenstein. I know exactly what you mean.
    Have an excellent weekend away.

    Hey, they ran a picture of a foggy Sydney in the news here.

  • At 8:49 pm, Blogger Nord said…

    Seek – Yep you don’t wanna get too close (if of course the Umberella reference is for the poor souls about to get drenched on the wharf (or in the boat)) or am I just babbling and you have lost me (as usual).

    Dast – Hey there, nice to see you out and about. Yeah I know but I feel bad. I was there that day and I have put up another post (the next one) and shared my fogging experience. Oh the excitement, the rapture of the tale.


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