Mundane Murmurs

Talk about the boring and ordinary world that is my life.

Monday, October 25, 2004

Registered Post

Today I sent a parcel to a friend in the States (don’t ask me who and I won’t lie about it). The funny (peculiar more than ha ha)thing is I decided to send it registered post. Now the parcel isn’t worth mega bucks, all up it’s worth maybe $50.00 but I wanted to register it mostly to make sure it got there.

Now I asked about sending it this way and was told “Oh no you can’t register it because it’s too big for the registered overseas post envelopes and you have to put it in one of those”. Now while I am standing there trying to digest why the hell I can’t pay for this service and be done with it I will never know. I was still a little confused at the logic. It’s on par with telling someone that they can’t send a letter as they have no envelopes. Well I guess in a way that's exactly what he did say.

But anyhow in my confusion I let it go, I got a bubble wrap envelope (a big one) put in my packages, including the obligatory Vegemite (a must in all foreign parcels leaving these great shores). I have assured the recipient that it lasts forever so if they don’t want it to keep it as I am sure to visit one day and I will eat it.

The kicker, well the postage (and it was unregistered!!) It cost me $20.00 to post a parcel worth only a little over that. Still I can’t complain, when I was in the States many, many moons ago I made my mum send me some Cadbury Chocolate (Australia has the nicest Cadbury Chocolate in the world) and we were staying with an ex – Oz who hadn’t had any for years. So as a thank you I got my mum to post 2 blocks over (500g). The Chocolate cost mum around $4.00 to buy and the postage was $16.00 – I still hear about that to this day... Parents, man you would have thought she would have been happy with all the stuff I bought back for her!


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