Mundane Murmurs

Talk about the boring and ordinary world that is my life.

Wednesday, November 09, 2011

One of the Sydney ferry's (as you can see Sydney is at the forefront of technology with these beasts - not). Posted by Hello

Tuesday, November 08, 2011

It's been a while ...

I haven't posted on here for 6 years. It took me almost a whole day to remember my old log on. Then as google had since purchased Blog Spot, the old log in wouldn't work. Painful to say the least but here I am, nothing if not persistent.

And to move into modern technology I am typing this from my iPhone. So needless to say this post may be short, about nothing (well nothing really unusual about that) and seemingly mindless. It's late(ish) and I need to be up early as I am moving house tomorrow, and the next day, and the next day, then to clean. And I will go on Monday with the dogs.

Ok well signing off, I will try not to leave it so long between posts next time and think of a good story for you. After all you would think I would have at least one good story to tell after 6 years.
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